Cascade Siskiyou National Monument Cascade Siskiyou National Monument US
Cascade Siskiyou National Monument Cascade Siskiyou National Monument US

Cascade Siskiyou National Monument, Soda Mountain Reserve.

JennyCreek Private Lands Coalition; Advocates in the opposition to the Soda MountainReserve and Cascade Siskiyou National Monument. From the undelegated powersof its creation to the incroachment of rights and the means to life of thosewho

The Jenny Creek Private Lands Coalition, is located in the Jenny Creek area on the Cascade Siskiyou Mountain Ranges in Ashland, Oregonarea.

The Coalition is dedicated in defending private property rights,rights to historically used lands; To revealing and removing the injusticesof our federal government, actions of it's Socialist Bureaucracy and farreaching unconstitutional undelegated federal powers.

John Locke 38: "For the "preservation of property" being the end of government, and that for which men enter into society, it necessarily supposes and requires that the people should have property, without which they must be supposed to lose that by entering into society which was the end for which they entered into it; too gross an absurdity for any man to own.

Men, therefore, in society having property, they have such a right to the goods, which by the law of the community are theirs, that
"nobody" hath a right to take them, or "any part" of them, from them without their own consent; without this they have no property at all. "...

JCPLC Note: "Use" and "Possession" is "A PART" -  There by Condemnation and Zoning or Undelegated Presidential Proclamations have no place in a free country; as the ability of others to take property without consent or place arbitrary limits to the use of that part is clearly like having no property at all:

.... "For I have truly no property in that which another can by "right" take from me when he pleases against my >>>consent<<<.

Hence it is a "mistake" "to think" that the "supreme" or "legislative" power of >>>any<<< commonwealth can do what it will, and dispose of the estates of the >> subject<< arbitrarily, or take any part of them at pleasure.

Thisis not much to be feared in governments where the legislative consists whollyor in part in assemblies which are variable, whose members upon the dissolutionof the assembly are subjects under the common laws of their country, "equally" with the rest.

But in governments where the legislative is in one
>>> "lasting assembly, always in being"<<<, or in one man >>>as in "absolute monarchies"<<<, ...."

JCPLC Note: Compare this with a "financial legislative monarchy" as in a collective or corporation, that lasting assembly which are "always in being";

....there is danger still, that they will think themselves to have a "distinct interest" from the rest of the community, and so will be "apt" to "increase their own riches and power" by taking what "they think fit" from the people.

For a man's property is not at all secure,
>>> though there be good and equitable laws to set the bounds of it between him and his fellow-subjects,<<< if he who commands those subjects have power to take from >>>"any private man"<<< what "part" he pleases of his property, and "use and dispose of it as "he thinks" good"."

JCPLC Note: Compare this last sentence with:

a.) city corporations condemning individuals property for what they "think" is good; or

b.)environmental collectives passing bills that engage state and federal governmentsto condemn private lands that they "deem" or "think" should be;

These groups masquerade as "public opinion"by using their national or international membership under their exclusivestate privileged status as non profit, though creating huge national andinternational money though tax rightoff and donations from that exclusivestate privilege, in the same way distant legislatures use unauthorized powers and forced taxation to use social collective control to override local legislation and local interests,

c.) or corporations condemning, or engaging the legislative to condemn, lands for "projects" they "think" worthy for their own benefit;

d.)Or federal projects condemning local private lands for what they, by "socalled" "national public opinion" usually guided by distant special interestsand lobbyists, "think" worthy.

e.) Or state projects condemninglocal private lands for what they, by "so called" "State  public opinion"usually guided by distant special interests and lobbyists, "think" worthy.

A Collective being a social private government, within a civil legislative government;

As in the
Virginia Declaration of Rights - lV prohibitingexclusive privileges having been allowed to exist have become a danger todayin the form of corprations, special interests, unions and government bureacracies:

IV That no man, or set of men, are entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from the community, but in consideration of public services; which, not being descendible, neither ought the offices of magistrate, legislator, or judge be hereditary.


The Real Purpose of the
Cascade Siskiyou National Monument and
Soda Mountain Reserve

    The BLM Soda Mountain Reserve, now the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument can be summed up very briefly.

    Presidential proclamations are an undelegated presential power.

    No where in the Constitution is this power granted, therefor the monument itself is void and any laws with regard to it are of no force.

    We have lived here for over 33 years.

    There is nothing that needs protecting or preserving,  but privateproperty, liberty and free and open public use without designated trailsor regulations asside from simple camp fire rules;

   The privately owned ranch land BLM and Environmentalists are now taking stepsto take over will throw away that lands productivity;

   The worse of which, it reduces individual independence that such lands createthe catalist for, thereby increasing dependency of more people toward collectivesand industrialization, and collective control;

    What is really here?

   The area incompassed a patch of earth full of deer brush, wild grasses, weeds,rocks, scrub oak, pine, fir and juniper, just like any place else.

   It makes for good hunting or an occasional outing and cattle grazing. Itis an almost impossible place to drive in the winter because of its bottomlessgumbo red clay that heals itself every winter simply because clay when wetreturns to level because of gravity . The plants are nothing special. Thehot dry earth cracks during the summer and heals itself during winters.

   Environmentalists and BLM, because the area has nothing special in eithersoil, rock, plant or anything else; They devise a sell job on the tax payer to make it pay dividends in maketing their special interest and bureaucratic incomes.

    What is the marketing term to sell a bunch of mixed nonspecial plants rocks and weeds?


    .... People are so gulable.

    Word play and marketing are used extensively by these two groups to sell their brand of Socialism.

    "Catch Phrases"by socialists in and out of government have been historically used to attemptto sell socialism, and has had to be placed in check, even by the Foundersof our country shortly after the Constitution was signed.

    Both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison watched these manipulative practices attempted when, under John Adams administration, the Alien and Sedition acts were passed.

    Thomas Jefferson and James Madison took immediate action by passing the
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions to put the federal government in its place.

    Here is an exert from the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions that shows the manipulative practise the federal government of creating laws outside their delegated powers by using "General Phrases" to create unintended powers:

Virginia Resolution: That the General Assembly doth also express its deep regret, that a spirit has in sundry instances, been manifested by the federal government, to enlarge its powers by forced constructions of the constitutional charter which defines them;

and that implications have appeared of a
"design" to expound certain "general" "phrases" (whichhaving been copied from the very limited grant of power, in the former articlesof confederation were the less liable to be misconstrued)

 so as to
"destroy the meaning and effect", of the particular "enumeration" which necessarily explains and "limits" the "general phrases";

and so as to consolidate the states "by degrees",
into "one sovereignty", the obvious tendency and inevitable consequence of which would be, to transform the present republican system of the United States, into an absolute, or at best a mixed monarchy.

That the General Assembly doth particularly protest against the palpable and alarming infractions of the Constitution,in the two late cases of the "Alien and Sedition Acts" passed at the lastsession of Congress; the first of which exercises a power no where "delegated" to the federal government, and which by uniting legislative and judicial powers to those of executive, (APPNOTE: Such as in "PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATIONS" when used to create NationalMonuments No Where deligated to the federal government, Nor granted in powerto the president; nor to exceed the local legislative)  subverts the general principles of free government; as well as the particular organization, and positive provisions of the federal constitution; and the other of which acts, exercises in like manner, a power not delegated by the constitution,but on the contrary, expressly and positively forbidden by one of the amendmentsthereto; a power, which more than any other, ought to produce universal alarm,because it is levelled against that right of freely examining public characters and measures, and of free communication among the people thereon, which has ever been justly deemed, the only effectual guardian of every other right.

    Then why do the environmentalists and fuss?

    BLM and the US Department of the Interior want control of the water and the land and to present a false need so they can "expand their bureaucracy";

     "Make work" projects, that promise "endless studies" and useless projects; To not only keep their useless jobs, but to expand the land they regulate so to needlessly require more employees to further advance their own positions.

    BLM and Environmentalist groups use the same tactics, creating turmoil betweenthemselves to falsely show a need for their existence; Both deriving incomeand job security from the turmoil they themselves create.

    Unwary citizens run to one or the other for help when it is both of these that are the problem itself.

    BLM then goes so far as to begin the process to acquire private propertyand disrupt the lives of the public of whom they supposedly serve;

    Wearing down those in their way with endless proposals such as this draftand the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument placed against the local publics will;

    The constant socialist stirring  that puts upon private citizens a feelingof insecurity in their way of life

     Who has given them this right?

    No one.

    These are all undelegated powers of the federal government.

    And ALL undelegated powers are VOID and of NO FORCE

The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

Authors Thomas Jefferson and James Madison:

"1.Resolved, That the several States composing, the United States of America,are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their generalgovernment; but that, by a compact under the style and title of a Constitutionfor the United States, and of amendments thereto, they constituted a generalgovernment for special purposes — delegated to that government certain definitepowers, reserving, each State to itself, the residuary mass of right to theirown self-government; and that
"whensoever" the general government assumes "undelegated powers", its acts are "unauthoritative, void, and of no force":that to this compact each State acceded as a State, and is an integral part,its co-States forming, as to itself, the other party: that the governmentcreated by this compact was not made the exclusive or final judge of theextent of the powers delegated to itself; since that would have made its discretion, and not the Constitution, the measure of its powers;but that, as in all other cases of compact among powers having no commonjudge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractionsas of the mode and measure of redress."

    LocalBLM employees themselves create each and every invention, send their proposalsto Washington who simply give them the go ahead,

     On this blind approval of their own invention, Local BLM employees turn an pronounce that "they must do what they are told by Washington";

    And then attempt to present they had no hand in the plans invention, and "must obey the law and do their jobs"!

   Pulling endless federal guide lines and rules they further attempt to rationalizetheir invention to surround private property owners with a Monument furtheringtheir schemes and designs to take private lands.

    Then label it as for the benefit of the people with the "peoples" blessing.

   Their constant referrals to the local public as being their "neighbors" intheir publications, all while they plot to take our land and lively hood,is sickening at best;

    It is in fact and without question an act of a tyranical department of the federal government.

   Through these actions, those involved have presented that they are socialists and have subverted the purpose of government which sole purpose is to protect private property.

Rights of the Colonists:

"Thirdly, The supreme power "cannot" "Justly" take from "any" man, "any" "part" of his "property" without his "consent", in person >>>"or" by his Representative.--"<<<"

"Theseare some of the first principles of natural law & Justice, and the greatBarriers of all >>>free<<< states,"

This important definition of consent and of freedom, removes the "collective powers of the general representative chosen by the majority" over private property without the individual's explicit personal "consent".

SamuelAdams and John Locke's definitions actually do not conflict, as in commonlaw (rights still reserved - as the Constitution does not alter them - SeeGeorge Nicholas) land cannot be justly indebted by government past the abilityto pay a tax, as the legislative is prohibited from designingly impoverishingthe people or creating "designs" to take property, by which society's endpurpose is to protect;

The "Great Barriers" spoken of by Samuel Adams, refers to John Locke's "Guards and Fences":

John Locke 222:   The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their "property"; and the end while they choose and authorize a legislative is that there may be laws made, and rules set, as "guards" and "fences" to the properties of all the society, to limit the "power" and moderate the "dominion" of every part and member of the society.

For since it can
>>>"never" be supposed<<< to be the will of the society that the legislative should have a power to destroy that which every one >>>designs to secure<<< by entering into society, and for which the people submitted themselves to legislators of their own making:

"whenever" the legislators endeavour to take away and destroy the "property" of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a "state of war with the people",

who are
thereupon absolved from "any farther obedience",and are left to the common refuge which God hath provided for all men againstforce and violence. Whensoever, therefore, the legislative shall "transgress"this fundamental rule of society,"

John Locke 149:  "....And thus the community perpetually retains a supreme power of saving themselves from the "attempts" and "designs" of "anybody", even of their "legislators", whenever they shall be so "foolish" or so "wicked" as to lay and carry on "designs" against the liberties and "properties" of the subject.

For no man or society of men
having a power to deliver up their preservation, or consequently the "means"of it, to the absolute will and arbitrary "dominion" of another, wheneverany one shall go about to bring them into such a slavish condition, theywill always have a right to preserve what they have not a power to part with,and to "rid" themselves of "those" who invade this fundamental, sacred, andunalterable law of self-preservation "for which" they "entered" into "society"....

The fact is that the public in our area doesn't want them here because they have no regard for us or our wishes;

    Click here to see the "Signatures of those local citizens against the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument"!


    Also: Read BLM Tactics and Box O Farce, then you will know that beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is indeed fact.

The Jenny Creek Private Lands Coalition is a volunteer defense group.

Visit our Main Site Jenny Creek Private Lands Coalition. 


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Thomas Jefferson:

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.

I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is oftenbut the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.~~"